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Do you feel fed up and frustrated because your adolescent dog keeps ignoring you?

Are you worried your adolescent dog's behaviour is getting out of control? 

Perhaps you're confused why your well-behaved puppy has changed into a teenage tearaway?

There is a reason why 6-18 months is the most common age to rehome adolescent dogs. It's a really challenging time and there is more to it then just hormones and training.

If you've got an adolescent dog you might have been given all sorts of training advice, such as neutering your dog, disciplining more, exercising more - but with so many conflicting opinions it's hard to know what to do.

I've tried using treats but my puppy won't listen

Reward based training isn't about just throwing treats around and hoping for the best. Your choice of reward, your timing and delivery can all make things better or worse. 

I'll show you how to make sure your puppy understands how they earned their reward and how to create good habits that don't rely on your constant supervision or waving packets around!

But surely my puppy needs to be in a group class so they can get used to other dogs?

For a small breed dog it can be quite unnerving being in a class with boisterous teenage dogs who are twice their size and weight. It can be too overwhelming or distracting to learn, particularly during the tricky teenage phase.

Dog training and socialisation is about learning to feel confident around different dogs and people. It's also about building your relationship with them so you don't end up with a dog that wants to run off and play with every dog they see. 

Book a free 20 minute phone call or Zoom and tell me what you're struggling with

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adolescent dog training at Marchwood


The joys of adolescence!

Discover why hormones aren't the only reason your teenage dog is such hard work, what WON'T work and why. Plus 3 simple tips for getting you back on the right track.

Hit the download button below to get the guide delivered straight to your inbox (please check spam/junk folders)

Thank You Requesting!

Little Rascals Adolescent Dog Training
New Forest & Southampton

(Packages start from £220 which can be split into 2 monthly payments if needed)

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  • 3 x 121 training sessions with you and your dog

  • At your home or on your walk

  • Rescue your dog's recall, stop jumping up or teach your dog to walk on a lead without pulling

  • Learn how you and your dog can enjoy stress free walks

  • Telephone/Email access between sessions

  • Ideal if your dog has done training before but you need help getting back on track

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  • 6 x 121 training sessions per week

  • Best option if your dog hasn't done any training before

  • Banish the guesswork and discover how to make sure your dog understands what you're trying to teach 

  • Teach reliable behaviours that don't fall apart around distractions or when your back is turned

  • Includes essential life skills walking on a lead, recall, polite greetings and settling in places like cafes or pubs

  • Will also be tailored to include the specific problems you've been struggling with

  • Flexible scheduling, book sessions around your work/family commitments

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  • Add twice per week training walk done for you, to either the Standard or Premium options 

  • Relief knowing your dog is still getting training when you're not able to 

  • Speed up your dog's progress with regular consistent practice helped along by my experience and training skills

  • Photo/video progress updates after each training session

  • Ideal if this is your first dog or first of this breed, you have more than one dog or work/family commitments make it hard to practice with your dog as much as you'd like to

Get in touch with Rachel today

(Now booking for September)

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